
Friday, December 21, 2012

3 Cheers for Caring!

Our third graders wrote letters to a former Mrs. Stetzel Sappington fifth grader and LHS graduate, John, who is training to be an American Hero, serving in the United State Navy.  We also wrote letters to New Jersey elementary students that recently experienced Hurricane Sandy.  Thank you third graders, for sharing your caring spirit with others.  Merry Christmas wishes to you and your families.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


We read Happiness is a Warm Puppy.  Ask your child about Happiness.

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Mitten

Today we visited Jan Brett's website: and learned more about her beloved winter story, The Mitten.  Students are designing sequencing maps, showing the order of the woodland animals that snuggled into Nicki's mitten.  Please visit the above link to watch how Jan Brett paints her favorite animal, which is also featured in this story, the hedgehog.  We will read books written and illustrated by Jan Brett during the month of December.  Please share one of your Jan Brett favorites.  We will also write her letters after our author study.  Ask your child about Jan Brett.